New at SYNC: Bowens Mount RFi Speedrings! These Speedrings are great if you have Bowens Mount soft-boxes and they will also work with Aputure light fixtures such as the Aputure 600 and 1200 series! Call us at (323) 285-5450 or email us at, to rent today! #WhatYouNeedWhenAndWhereYouWantIt#SYNC #SYNCphotorental#SYNCrental #photography #photo #photorental #laphotographer #photoassistant #commercialphotography #cinematography #cinematographer #cinematography#setlife #setlifela #onlocation #onset #filmgear #filmlife #commerciallife #musicvideo #gaffer #keygrip #setlightingtechnician #setlighting #setlife #setlifela #onlocation #onset #filmgear #filmlife #commerciallife #musicvideo #gaffer #keygrip #setlightingtechnician #setlighting #filmlife #filmlighting #iatselocal728 #iatselocal80
New at SYNC: Bowens Mount RFi Speedrings!
Updated: Oct 11